In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring the security and privacy of data is paramount. For organizations adhering to SOC 2 standards, demonstrating consistent compliance is crucial to maintaining trust and confidence among customers and stakeholders. One essential tool in achieving this continuity is the SOC 2 Bridging Letter, also known as a Gap Letter or Continuity Letter.

What is a SOC 2 Bridging Letter?

A SOC 2 Bridging Letter is a formal document issued by an organization to cover the gap period between the end date of the most recent SOC 2 report and the start date of the next SOC 2 report. This gap can create uncertainty about an organization’s compliance with SOC 2 standards during the interim period. The bridging letter aims to provide assurance that the organization continues to adhere to its SOC 2 controls and criteria during this time.

Why is a Bridging Letter Important?

  1. Assurance Continuity: A SOC 2 Bridging Letter provides ongoing assurance to customers, stakeholders, and auditors that the organization’s controls remain effective and in place, even during the gap period between SOC 2 reports.
  2. Compliance Confidence: By issuing a bridging letter, organizations can maintain confidence in their compliance efforts, ensuring stakeholders that security and privacy measures are continuously upheld.

Key Components of a SOC 2 Bridging Letter

  1. Management Assertion: The letter includes a statement from the organization’s management asserting that there have been no significant changes to the control environment and that the controls remain effective.
  2. Time Period: The bridging letter specifies the period it covers, addressing the gap between the two SOC 2 reports.
  3. Control Continuity: Details on how the organization has maintained and monitored its controls during the gap period are included to demonstrate ongoing compliance.

How is a Bridging Letter Used?

  1. Customer Assurance: Organizations provide the bridging letter to customers who require continuous assurance of SOC 2 compliance, ensuring them that security and privacy standards are consistently met.
  2. Audit Preparation: The bridging letter serves as a supplementary document during the preparation for the next SOC 2 audit, showcasing the organization’s commitment to maintaining effective controls.


In the realm of SOC 2 compliance, the bridging letter plays a critical role in bridging the gap between audit periods. It reinforces an organization’s dedication to security and privacy, providing much-needed assurance to customers and stakeholders. By proactively issuing a SOC 2 Bridging Letter, organizations can demonstrate their unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data protection, even in the absence of a formal audit report.

At CoalHaven, we understand the importance of continuous compliance. Our SOC 2 Bridging Letters are crafted to ensure that your organization remains transparent, trustworthy, and compliant at all times. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help you maintain SOC 2 compliance and provide your customers with the confidence they deserve.

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